All BackerKit surverys have been sent! Check your email!
about 1 month ago
– Sun, Jan 05, 2025 at 08:19:30 AM
Here's the BackerKit link if you didn't get it yet!
Hey all!
The day is here! The LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT BackerKit surveys have just been sent, meaning you can (and should!) now go to verify your address and finalize your order.
If you didn't see (or get) the email, you can access your BackerKit HERE:
As mentioned a moment ago, through BackerKit you'll also be able to provide us with your shipping address and specify any other details including adding on any bonus items you may want -- including some of the other cool Source Point Press horror graphic novels I've written, several at a special BackerKit price just for you!
You can also share the BackerKit link above if you know anyone who perhaps missed the initial campaign but may want to get a copy of the book and the other items available.
(Fear not, the hardcover edition and the Stretch Goals are NOT being made available to anyone who didn't preorder it through the Kickstarter Campaign. Only YOU get those numerous perks for preordering!)
What You Need to Know About BackerKit (Especially if You've Never Used it Before)
Your BackerKit will be pre-populated with the rewards you pledged for during the campaign. After you answer the questions related to your pledge level (if applicable), BackerKit will take you to the Add-Ons page where you have the option to add some additional items to your final order all with NO ADDITIONAL SHIPPING CHARGES. That’s my “thank you” to you all for being so awesome. Thank you. Truly.
Once you’re done with all of that, just confirm your pledge and shipping address and you'll be good to go! (And, yes, you can update your shipping address in the BackerKit if it changes before shipping begins!)
If you’re having any technical issues, please send a message through the BackerKit page or send me a Direct Message through this platform!
Thanks all!I appreciate you very much!
Quick Book Production Update
The Foreword and Special Thanks have been edited and approved, and we’re doing the final lettering edits on the graphic novel now. Once those are approved we’ll prep the final print files, do one final wave of approvals, and then send the book to the printer… so get your BackerKits filled out ASAP! Thanks again!
Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning
BackerKits are forthcoming!
about 2 months ago
– Fri, Jan 03, 2025 at 09:15:17 AM
Hello friends and Happy New Year!
I wanted to drop you all a quick update to let you know that the "Smoke Test" for the BackerKit on LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT is going out today. That means that 10% of you will be getting your BackerKit links today to finalize your orders with any add-ons you want to treat yourself to and then confirm your shipping address.
(And, yes, you'll be able to update your address if you move, etc.)
If there are no glitches with these first 10% of BackerKits, the rest of you will then get your BackerKit links early next week! Yay!
Your BackerKit will be pre-populated with the items you pledged for during the campaign. After you answer any questions related to your pledge level (if applicable), BackerKit will take you to the Add-Ons page where you have the option to add some additional items to your pledge (including some of my other horror graphic novels I think you'll like) – all with NO ADDITIONAL SHIPPING CHARGES! Consider that my post-holiday gift to all of you, my fellow horror fans. Treat yourself! :)
Once you’re done with all of that, just confirm your pledge and shipping address and you'll be good to go!
As always, if you have any questions please send me a message through here... otherwise, I'll send another update when all the BackeKits go live and are sent out next week!
All of that being said, I'm not off to start the formatting on Ron Chaney's awesome new Foreword and Afterword for LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT! I can't wait for all of you to get to see these, too!
Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning
A quick end of the year update...
about 2 months ago
– Fri, Dec 20, 2024 at 04:10:08 PM
Hello friends!
As we approach the end of the year I wanted to give you all a few quick updates on what's coming next for your LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT orders! Please take a moment to read this, especially if this is your first Kickstarter... or even just your first Kickstarter with me!
- Illustrator Joshua Ross, colorist Colin Johnson, and letterer David Lentz have all completed their work on the graphic novel, so it will be reviewed by me, our wonderful editor Drena Jo, and then go to Ron Chaney for "final eyes" before we put the print files together in the final book form and send it all to the printer. My hope is that this will happen before the end of January to stay on the schedule we all want, and that should be doable now that the bulk of the "heavy lifting" is done in terms of the book production.
- We will then send out a BackerKit link to you all in early January as well. BackerKit is how we collect your shipping address and you finalize your order! YOU MUST COMPLETE YOUR BACKERKIT TO GET YOUR STUFF! I'll talk about this more later, but I'm just prepping you now, friends... haha.
- We will also be working on putting the bonus "making of/behind the scenes" print book together in January, too. Remember, in the last day of the campaign we unlocked that final Stretch Goal, so you'll be getting that for free alongside all your other LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT goodness! Huzzah!
Finally, and most importantly, THANK YOU, friends. Thank you for helping us bring this project to life, and thank you for joining us in being part of horror history.
Whatever holidays you may be celebrating, on behalf of all of us on the LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT team, we hope that they are all happy, merry, and wonderful. Be sure to take a little time for yourself, and those you love, OK?
I'll be in touch soon with details about your BackerKit links (and perhaps even a surprise or two) soon. Until then, be well!
Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning
All Eight Stretch Goals Unlocked! THANK YOU!
3 months ago
– Mon, Dec 02, 2024 at 03:13:02 PM
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so...
We have closed out the campaign unlocking ALL EIGHT Stretch Goals, friends! This means the digital "behind-the-scenes/making-of" comic has now been upgraded to a print bonus comic along with all the other Stretch Goals we've unlocked!
And make no mistake -- when I say "we," I really mean YOU as much as the team who has worked with me to bring this book to live.
On behalf of myself, Ron Chaney, Joshua Ross, Colin Johnson, Dave Lentz, and Drena Jo... THANK YOU, friends.
I'll send an update soon about the next steps -- including creating the BackerKit which we'll use to collect your mailing addresses, shirt sizes, etc... but for now let's all take the night off and celebrate, yeah?
We just made horror history, after all...
More soon... but, again, THANK YOU.
Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning
Stretch Goal #7 unlocked! Three days left for one more upgrade!
3 months ago
– Fri, Nov 29, 2024 at 08:40:01 AM
Thanks to all of you, on Thanksgiving we unlocked the SEVENTH Stretch Goal, meaning that every pledge that includes the Kickstarter Exclusive Leatherbound Hardcover Edition of the book will now include a free bonus digital "Making Of..." comic that will include behind the scenes art and more!
Now that this Stretch Goal has been unlocked, we have one more we can unlock during the campaign! If we get to 20K in pledges we'll upgrade the digital comic to a Kickstarter Exclusive print comic, meaning you'll be getting another book with your pledge! Whoa!
This campaign ends in three days -- on Cyber Monday at 5:30 PM EST, so please keep sharing the link and let your horror and classic-film loving friends know about the campaign, because once the campaign ends the print run on the leatherbound hardcover edition will be capped, meaning we'll print to order and this edition won't be available again!
Thanks again, all! Let's close out this campaign strong and unlock that print upgrade for the behind-the-scenes comic, too! After all, who wouldn't love to get TWO books with their pledge, right?
Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning