
LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT: The Official Graphic Novel Adaptation

Created by Dirk Manning

Created in cooperation with Chaney Entertainment, this deluxe graphic novel finally brings the lost horror classic back to life!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

You asked and we listened -- ROUND THREE STRETCH GOALS ANNOUNCED!
3 months ago – Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 03:48:51 PM

We've got one week left... let's unlock another Stretch Goal or two!

Hello friends!

This campaign ends next (Cyber) Monday at 5:30 PM EST, meaning we have one week left... and that's time to unlock another Stretch Goal or two, right?

Brace yourselves... these last two are pretty epic, and will unlock more LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT content! 

Check it out:

That's right, friends... if we hit these last two "The Final Curtain Call" Stretch Goals we'll be unlocking a "behind-the-scenes" bonus comic first in digital form... and then as a print edition!

This bonus comic will be Kickstarter Exclusive, too, meaning it won't be available after the campaign ends, but it will be included with every pledge level that includes the Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover Edition!

You all know the drill by now... share-share-share and let's get bring this bonus comic to life, too!

Thanks all... and here's to wishing a very happy Thanksgiving to all of you who will be celebrating it this week!

We all are very, very thankful for YOU!

Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning

Stretch Goal #6 has been unlocked... and it's a biggie!
3 months ago – Sun, Nov 24, 2024 at 07:05:32 PM

Hello there, blue gilded pages...

Earlier today we unlocked the final Round Two Stretch Goal, unlocking the Stretch Goal that -- honestly -- both Ron Chaney and myself have been the most excited about: THE BLUE GILDED PAGES!

Here's the full list of all the FREE upgrades you've all unlocked for the Kickstarter Exclusive Leatherbound Hardcover Editions of the book:

That is A LOT of free upgrades, my friends, making the hardcover editions of the book extra special six times over.

As a book collector and fan of nice books, THANK YOU for your support in making not only this graphic novel possible... but also this deluxe edition of the book possible, too!

There's one week left... what's next?

I know what all of you are thinking: "There's one week left... will there be any Round Three Stretch Goals?"

I don't want to talk about of school, so to speak, but I will say that Ron Chaney and I have discussed some possible (and really cool) Round Three Stretch Goal options... and if they get approved by all applicable parties I'll announce them here and we'll see if we can unlock them, too.

In the meantime, I encourage you all to keep doing what you've been doing, which is sharing the campaign and building awareness of it. Remember, the more people who join us, the more we all get... easy-peasy.

Here's the graphic:

And here's the link:

I know I say it a lot, but I hope you know that doesn't make the sentiment any less true: On behalf of all of us bringing LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT to life, THANK YOU, friends. Truly. All of us on the team thank you all so very, very much and are so grateful to all of you

Here's to a strong final week... and maybe another Stretch Goal or two, too! Stay tuned... and keep spreading the word about the campaign in the meantime!

Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning

P.S. -- I've gotten word a lot of you have been enjoying the various podcasts and such I've been sharing here. I also post them on all my social media pages (I'm on most social media outliets as @DirkManning for future reference, should you be so inclined to connect there), and here's the latest one I just did about this project with Jason DeHart of Words, Images, and Words. Enjoy!

Stretch Goal #5 unlocked! You're rocking it!
3 months ago – Fri, Nov 22, 2024 at 06:15:46 AM


Hello friends!

Yesterday Stretch Goal #5 was unlocked, meaning that along with all of the other Stretch Goal upgrades that will now be included in the Kickstarter Exclusive Leatherbound Hardcover Edition of LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT, this edition of the book will also include the inset blue ribbon bookmark!

Here's everything unlocked so far... and what's next:

As I type this we're also already moving towards the SIXTH Stretch Goal, which is one me and Ron Chaney are especially excited about -- blue gilded pages for the hardcover edition of the book! Yes!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- this is all do to all of YOU supporting this campaign, telling your like-minded horror and comic friends about it, and posting/sharing about it on social media! 

It's Friday and this campaign closes a week from Monday -- do you know someone who should know how this campaign is he ONLY way to get the Kickstarter Exclusive Leatherbound Hardcover Edition of this book? Let them know by sharing this link with them:

or perhaps even this handy-dandy graphic:


A lot of you seemed to enjoy the podcast linked in the last update about how we brought LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT to life as a graphic novel... so here's another one I recently did that focuses more on the creative journey of creating comics as a whole, going from an avid reader, to an aspiring writer, to learning about (and learning to love) the medium of comics and graphic novels to tell stories... including this one! You can listen to Episode #47 of The Row Show on YouTube HERE.

Thanks all! Keep spreading the word, have a GREAT weekend, and let's unlock those blue gilded pages next!

And, again... THANK YOU, friends!

Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning

Stretch Goal #4 Unocked! Original Art Remarks Achieved!
3 months ago – Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 03:33:09 PM


Hello friends... and Happy Monday!

Stretch Goal #4 has been unlocked, meaning every KS Exclusive Leatherbound Hardcover Edition of the book is now going to include a triple autographed bookplate that will now also include a remark original hand-drawn sketch by illustrator Joshua Ross, too!

Check out all these free upgrades you're getting as part of your KS Exclusive Leatherbound Hardcover:

I know I've said it before, but it's worth saying again: YOU are all making this possible, and the more you help us spread the word, the more Stretch Goals we can and will unlock... so keep telling people about this campaign by sharing the link and or this graphic which highlights the book and the link of where to get it:

And if you want another peek behind the curtain...

If you'd like to learn more about the genesis of this project check out this great (and (very entertaining, if I do say so myself) YouTube podcast with Matt Campbell and Smurf HERE:

Thanks all! We have about two weeks left to unlock those next two Stretch Goals -- at least -- so let's keep sharing and keep making it happen!

Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning

ALL ROUND ONE STRETCH GOALS UNLOCKED... so here's what's next!
3 months ago – Thu, Nov 14, 2024 at 08:23:22 PM


Friends, earlier today we unlocked the third and final Round One Stretch Goal! See for yourself:

Now every KS Exclusive Leatherbound Hardcover Edition of the book is going to include a free Kickstarter Exclusive Bookplate signed by me, illustrator Joshua Ross, and none other than Ron Chaney himself! This is all due to so many of you spreading the word about this campaign and sharing the link -- so thank you so much for that! 


We still have a little over two weeks left in the campaign, so here's a new set of Round Two Stretch Goals we can unlock that will upgrade the KS Exclusive Hardcover Editions of the books even more. Take a look:

Original remark-style sketches, an inset blue ribbon bookmark, and then blue gilded pages! We're making the book fancier and fancier for all of you, friends... and as I type this we're already halfway to unlocking the first Round Two Stretch Goal! Whoa! Have we said thank you yet... or how much we appreciate you and all the sharing you're doing?

Remember, the more people who preorder the book through this campaign, the more free upgrades we all get... so keep spreading the word!


Due to the success of the campaign, LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT: THE OFFICIAL GRAPHIC NOVEL ADAPTATION is is now starting to get press at numerous comic book and horror news websites! If you haven't seen it yet, take a moment to check out THIS ARTICLE at about the book and the campaign for starters! You may even see some previously unseen art from the book along with the article there, too!

That's all for now, friends! I'll be at Grand Rapids Comic Con this weekend at Booth 933, and I'll be there except for when I'm hosting or co-hosting one panel per day at the show... so if you're able to swing by and say "Hello" please do! Otherwise, keep spreading the word about the campaign and we'll keep unlocking more Stretch Goals together, upgrading the book more and more!

Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning